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  • Oriental Consultants

    Oriental Consultants

    Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd. (OC) has been one of the leading consultance firms in Japan since its foundation over 56 years ago. The Company has been employing around 950 staff, including around 800 engineers and specialists who provide consulting service. OC is also active worldwide with lots of projects and researchs at more than 140 different countries including Vietnam with infrastructure projects and capacity enhance.



    VIETNAM CDM is a consultance Company and international investment in the fields of energy, environment and economics with a focus on climate changing matter. In Viet Nam, CDM VIETNAM has used knowledges, technology and international financial resources to serve the domestic market.



    HYDROCONSEIL is a French consultance company, has involved in many development projects with different donoring sources such as the European Commission (FIBU Nr H010), World Bank (DACON Nr 3201), the United State Development Bank (DACON Nr 3201), the Islamic Development Bank (Nr H0903), by Lux-Development Organization (Nr 4829, 5004, 5005, 5006), BADEA (Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa) and the Asian Development Bank. HYDROCONSEIL is established in 1995, specializing in water supply and drainage field for low-income areas at developing countries.



    NORPLAN is a leading independent international consultiance company established in 1971, collected human resourse from Norway’s reputationed specialists in planning, economy, architecture, ecology and other engineers. Since its establishment, NORPLAN has carried out over 600 international projects in more than 100 countries worldwide, including Vietnam.